Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Let it Snow!

Let's celebrate my 100th (!!) post with a video (I apologize in advance for my high-pitched whooping):

What is it about kids that are so puffed up in snow gear that they can barely move that makes them so darn cute?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Originally uploaded by Steve Bremer

Well, it's that time of year and I'm going to bake some (maybe a lot) of cookies in the upcoming days. When I went to the commissary I needed sugar (we were almost completely out) and they had their 10lb bags on sale, plus there were coupons sitting out right there for an additional 50 cents off. Same with the 10lb bags of flour. So I come home with 20 pounds of sugar and flour, plus various other baking supplies and they were sitting on the counter after dinner. Steve said, "I should take a picture of that." I affirmed that he should and I would blog about it. So here I am. Steve got a chance to set up his fancy off-camera lighting system (and pulled out all the rest of my baking supplies from the cabinets) to do this still life and I got a nifty little picture for my blog.

Here is a recent portrait of Ethan. He is so much fun these days. Still not walking, but mobile enough for his own purposes. I am sure that one day he's just going to take off running and I'll only see a blur of him after that. He is totally resistant to any attempts to persuade him to walk, however, so I'm just leaving it up to him. He has about 5 teeth coming in at once right now (wheee!), and jabbers up a storm. He pulls up my shirt to look at my belly and say "bah-buh" and he also says "doh" (dog), "da do" (all done), "bai-puh" (diaper), and his very favorite word ever "nanuh" (banana). I am pretty sure he would eat bananas until he threw up if I let him. I can't even say the word out loud anymore unless I'm actually going to give him one because it causes so much strife. And I now have to cringe when we go by them in the produce section of the grocery store. "Nanuh, nanuh, NANUH!" It is somewhat cute, in that don't-make-eye-contact-with-anyone-who-might-be-watching-your-child-beg-for-bananas sort of way.

Pregnancy Numero Dos is moving right along. Bubs is very active and wiggly, and I can't wait to meet him, although I still have a little over three months until that happens. Actually three months is good, since I feel like I still have so much to do before he comes. The biggest task is sorting through all of Ethan's old clothes and deciding what goes and what stays. Maybe I should have done that a long time ago instead of just stuffing everything into a box to deal with later?