Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Birthday Boy!

Originally uploaded by jodisue

I am a week late crafting this post, but we have been busy with family in town to celebrate this milestone, so here it is today!

I cannot believe Ethan is one year old. I can remember so vividly the day I met him. It was a day of hard work, but oh so worth it. We waited two years for God to bless us with a baby, and then all of a sudden, 9 months later he was in my arms. It was unbelievable. I still marvel at how God

My Sweet Bud, my long-awaited babe, I pray for you every day, that you will grow to love the Lord with all your heart. I cannot wait for you to meet your little brother or sister and become fast friends. You are so silly and funny already; I can't wait to see more and more of your personality.

I can't wait until you are old enough to sing with me, the song we have heard together every Sunday since you were one week old:

Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye Heavenly Host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

Here is the year in (a few) photos:

Just born:

First smile on camera:

The famous Flat Smile:

Eating birthday cake on Saturday:

More birthday photos are here!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Butter, Butter and MORE Butter!

I made these today for our church's monthly fellowship dinner (substituted Sprite for Mountain Dew). They were so decadent, and yet easy peasy to make I wanted to pass them on. Also, the Pioneer Woman has many other fabulous recipes that are not at all good for you, but taste insanely good. While our bodies are temples not to be abused and we are not to be gluttonous, I do think God created food for us to enjoy, especially on the Sabbath when it is appropriate to feast to celebrate the Lord's day.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Ein, Uno, One, Odin

For those of you waiting to know, I am having just one baby. Whatever my doctor saw on the first ultrasound two weeks ago was gone by the time I had this scan. I never really felt as though it was twins, but it was sort of neat to think of the possibilities for a couple of weeks.

For those of you who didn't know that I've been waiting for these results, the doctor saw a little "bubble" when she was doing my dating ultrasound and thought there may be another baby behind the one she could definitely see. So she sent me to radiology where they have bigger and better machines and there was clearly only one baby. Double blessings would have been fun, but I am happy with one as well.

I will try to get an ultrasound pic or two scanned in in the next couple of days.