Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Books, Books, Books!

So, I'm trying to read three books at once these days:

1. Putting Amazing Back Into Grace -- this one is a reread from 3 years or so ago. We used it for a small group study when I was first learning about reformed/covenant theology. It explained so much to me about some things I had been taught but I could never quite make sense of. (for example: if I am a completely sinful human, how is it that I was able to choose to ask Jesus to be my savior?). It is loaded with information, and I don't think I got it all on the first read through. I highly recommend this book.

2. Teach Them Diligently -- the best parents I have seen in action use Scripture all the time when talking to and training their children. Since I wasn't raised that way and I am shamefully undisciplined about memorizing Scripture I bought this book to give me a little nudge. I've just started reading it, but noticed there is a chart in the back that lists common discipline issues and matches them up with verses. Neat! And it is definitely motivating me to spend more time memorizing the Word.

3. My Life for Yours -- if you read this blog at all, there's no secret that I enjoy reading Doug Wilson's stuff. I haven't actually started this one yet, because I expect it to be a relatively quick and enjoyable read, even though his books usually give me a lot to chew on.

So that's what I'm reading these days. After these three I'll either have a newborn and no time for reading or I'm going to pick something fun and fictional to get me through the last of this pregnancy. I'm coming up on 35 weeks! I can hardly believe it. Oooo, I'm going to start a poll! Just for fun, vote over there on the right: is Jodi's baby going to be a boy or a girl?

1 comment:

RJ said...

What! Am I the only person who knows that the Bremer name MUST be preserved. It's a boy for sure. :-)
Grandpas know these things.